Monday, July 23, 2007

kayaking 102

My brother, sister, and I went kayaking down the Broad River in Athens a couple weekends ago and I made the mistake of telling them I took a kayaking course and knew what I was doing. After flipping multiple times and going backwards down waterfalls, I think it's time for kayaking 102 - the second semester, if you will.
I signed up to take another course with one of my friends - this one is on open water and includes learning how to use a compass, understanding currents, wind and lightning, rescues and towing. When I get done I'll be AWESOME ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue,
Where are you? We miss your posts! (Though now I'm hooked through your blog on the daily horoscopes in the Wash Post, so I come here anyway.) Tell us what's new!
Jess Walsh