Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Great Race...

I would recommend the Charlottesville 1/2 to anyone interested in trying a long race. It's probably not the best race for a first marathon, though. The spectators are few and far between but the scenery is unbelievable. The course meanders through horse country, up and down a lot of hills, and some of the prettiest parts of downtown Charlottesville. After the race Susan and I met up with my good friend Jordan at WildWings. Unfortunately there are no WW in DC, so we had to get our fix in C-ville. It was a great weekend and I was so happy to see Jordan again. Last weekend we met up in Fredericksburg to have dinner with her parents - also a lovely time.
I was supposed to play soccer this am but we got rained out. I'm kind of happy we did because I'm a little sore.

1 comment:

l'il ole me said...

Your game was rained out?? Likely story!! LOL :) Enjoyed seeing you again and meeting Susan
