Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Again!

James arrived just ahead of 'Snowmaggedon' and 'Blizzard 2010' that hit Northern VA last week. The first storm began Friday and dumped two feet of snow (30 inches in Baltimore!) here. The storm waned on Sunday but the roads, etc. were a disaster. James and I had a touch of cabin fever and had to get out everyday, at least for walks through the drifts. Thankfully there are a few restaurants nearby and most, if open, were filled with the festive "we are in this together" feeling.

The second storm hit on Tues and lasted until Wed. night. It was a true blizzard - we probably got 8-12 inches but it was hard to say because of the wind and drifts.

The Feds were closed Mon-Thurs and a two hour delay on Friday. By Friday I was most anxious to get out and back to work.


Genevieve Gail said...

I'm sure you heard, but we got snow again this year in Athens! Nowhere near what you got but it was still fun! Hate that things were crazy and I missed you at Cmas but next time you come back let's get together!

Anonymous said...

[Shurangama Sutra]
[The Diamond Sutra]
[The Heart Sutra]

~oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ~

/Six samsara /
/Cause and effect/
/Engages in introspection sees the nature/
/Do not beg abhiññā/


The Twelve Vows of the Medicine Buddha upon attaining Enlightenment, according to the Medicine Buddha Sutra are:
To illuminate countless realms with his radiance, enabling anyone to become a Buddha just like him.
To awaken the minds of sentient beings through his light of lapis lazuli.
To provide the sentient beings with whatever material needs they require.
To correct heretical views and inspire beings toward the path of the Bodhisattva.
To help beings follow the Moral Precepts, even if they failed before.
To heal beings born with deformities, illness or other physical sufferings.
To help relieve the destitute and the sick.
To help women who wish to be reborn as men achieve their desired rebirth.
To help heal mental afflictions and delusions.
To help the oppressed be free from suffering.
To relieve those who suffer from terrible hunger and thirst.
To help clothe those who are destitute and suffering from cold and mosquitoes."

Unknown said...

great post I must appreciate the way you have expressed your feelings through your blog!
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