Sunday, February 25, 2007


I've discovered that contingency plans for snow in Northern VA are about as disorganized as they are in the deep south: few plows, poor driving, unexplained distribution of sand and salt, and mobs running out to buy white bread and water. It's snowed about three inches in 2 hours, so we'll see if the Feds have to work tomorrow...Here's my car already getting covered...


Sarah said...

white bread? i would think a survival kit would include something multi-grain, at the least. stay warm & safe up there!

Anonymous said...

Brrrrr....and I see that you're now getting freezing rain. Never mind white bread, what you need to hope for is no lose of electricity. I used to live in the Va. mountains, so weather like this meant finding the steepest hill around and finding as many ways as possible to slide down it...with or without a car. Hunker down, Dawg!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...the title of the Dixie Chicks DVD is "Shut Up and Sing." A media-savvy person like you might bring a special appreciation to it. I had already bought their latest CD long before now, and before I ever heard it. A matter of principle. Turns out, the music is good, too. Such a deal. Acting on principle isn't always that pleasant in the moment.

Anonymous said...

Sue, welcome to you and your new blog! I look forward to keeping posted from the other side of the world . . .