Saturday, January 10, 2009

Finally Saturday

It's been a tough week at work. I'm not sure why...I think a combination of no more Christmas, bad weather, lots to do but no motivation.
I LOVE my job and am usually really excited to go in but this week has been a struggle. I'm hoping the weekend will reinvigorate me and I will go back on Monday with a renewed spirit.
Anyone else have the post-Christmas reluctance?


Sarah said...


Kimberly said...

MEEEEE!!!! I am SUPER unmotivated. My dog ran away too which is even more depressing than a rainy post-Christmas new year's while waiting for my license to get approved and unable to work until that happens which probably won't be until February! You'd think I would be excited to not have to work but I don't know what to do with myself!

I am missing my friend Sue too! Money is tight but I really want to come visit you in would be so fun if SB & I could make a trip. I will put you on my farewatcher! love you friend!

Anonymous said...

yes - the entire city of london is talking about the january blues or blahs or whatever you want to call them. sounds like 2 a day workouts and eating well are a great way to combat. and, may i recommend my new favorite treat of 09 - a steaming mug of lemon and ginger tea after a meal, and something nice from netflix. be kind to yourself - this is a rough time of year! Here's to spring,